Wallpaper AND PAINT
As well as our vast fabrics library, we also have thousands of wallpapers to choose from along with paints.
We supply wallpaper from the following manufacturers:
- Sanderson
- Harlequin
- Zoffany
- Colefax & Fowler
- Romo
- Jane Churchill
- Larsen
- Casamance
Mark Alexander
- Mulberry Home
- G P & J Baker
We also offer quality paints from the following manufacturers:
- Sanderson Spectrum
- Zoffany
- Little Greene
- Morris & Co
Paints are dispatched to us by courier within one to two working days and, unlike many suppliers, there is no carriage charge payable by you.
Please feel free to call us on (0114) 230 9020 if you have any queries regarding wallpaper or if you require any of the above paints or sample paint pots.